About Us
Meet the people who help develop FANTASTIC businesses in the online market!
The Backbone of the Company
In the beginning, it was just the two of us: Gints and Ralfs.
Over time, we refined the key aspects - both on our side, to efficiently manage our company’s processes, and on the client’s side, to maintain the highest level of service quality possible. We sum up our service quality in two words: results and communication!
We don’t like waiting on others, so we aim to do things as quickly as possible to ensure no one has to wait on us.
Of course, we wouldn’t be able to manage everything in the long term just by ourselves! That’s why we’re supported by a few amazing people whose help is invaluable!
Want to join the team?
If you’re passionate about the digital world and see yourself as part of our team, feel free to apply by filling out the application form! Tell us briefly which field you excel in and why you would be the best candidate for the position.